Moving Forward with Your CG Group

In light of the current times, we are encouraging you to move forward in your groups as planned. This does take courage and we are given little foresight, so know that things might change along the way. People are in need of some sense of structure, clarity, and "normalcy" in the midst of a lot of uncertainty. However, with that said, figuring out what is safe for you and your group will vary from community to community. That is okay!

We suggest that you create an invitation for the year and communicate your plan, with a full understanding that some will say yes, some will need to take it meeting to meeting, and some will have a clear boundary attached to their yes. We are practicing how to use our voices and to hear what others need without throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Below is a sample email. Feel free to use this as a template or create your own email. You might need to have one-to-one phone conversations to clarify. God is using this time to sharpen your leadership, grow your trust in Him, and give you a clear path to watching Him move in the lives of your entire group.We are here for you if you need help getting off the ground this year!The CG Leadership Team

For more information or tips on how to start or lead a CG group, try listening to our CG mini-podcast on this very issue at or email us at for coaching. 


Hello Friends,

I hope you and your families are having a wonderful summer in spite of all the uncertainty and canceled plans.

After much prayer and processing, I wanted to reach out and let you know the plans for this year with regard to Courageous Girls. I realize we are all at various levels of comfort with regard to gathering and being with people and I want to be sensitive to that. There is no shame in feeling the need to be physically distant or to uphold "no hugging" boundaries or even refraining from attending. I believe we can all give each other tremendous grace and mercy with regard to where we all are. 

That being said, here's the plan: 

  • For the first few meetings, we will meet outside. 

  • As the months progress we will make decisions according to the latest mandates with regard to COVID and to where we can meet. 

  • Have a conversation with your daughter about not hugging the other girls and giving each other space

  • Please don't attend if anyone in your home is sick or you've been around someone who has recently tested positive for COVID

If you can't meet because of schedule conflicts, sickness, COVID exposure, or whatever the case, please make it a priority to still go through the lesson with your daughter. Make it a special time for the two of you. There may be a month or two this year that we don't meet, or we choose a virtual meeting instead, but let's work to stick to our schedule even if it ends up just being you and your daughter. 

Remember the heart behind Courageous Girls is the Mama/Daughter Connection, though our daughters are learning as we face this time in community. 

Keep in mind, relationships will change, you may feel left out if you choose to step back a bit this year, but God is with us and will hold us through the rollercoaster. He is working in the midst of the difficulties. Please use your voice to communicate your family needs and as we all try to prioritize our daughters, know that grace takes the long view. 

Please confirm your decision by (specified date). 

Trusting God with the details and the gaps. 


Listen to the CG Panel Discussion from Courageous Gathering - FREE Audio


Interview: Jeff & Nevie Mattson on The Dad Whisperer Podcast, Episode 180