June 2024 Newsletter

Courageous Girls: Standing Up To Mean Girls and Bullies

Dear Courageous Mama, 

We are leading a generation of girls who have the opportunity to use their voices to draw people toward the grace of Jesus, bringing hope to a hurting world. I imagine a generation of Courageous Girls who won’t participate in gossip, be bystanders when others are mistreated, and who will advocate on behalf of those without a voice. They will stand out in a world that normalizes mean girls and frenemies because they know their own worth and the worth of others.

As moms committed to pursue our daughter’s hearts, we spend years throughout the years of Courageous Girls curriculum helping our daughters practice building healthy friendships. They learn how to use their voice, ask for help, and lean into the power and strength of the Holy Spirit to advocate for others. We are giving our girls the agency needed to not be a victim of, or participate in, bullying and other forms of hurtful behaviors. And if, or when they do, we practice ownership and repair when possible.

1 Corinthians reminds us that love is patience and stands firm to protect. One without the other is not love.  

Whether our daughter is the one who struggles using harsh words or is the timid one who goes along with the crowd, we pray she grows in courage and alignment with the heart of God. Though this takes time and consistency, trust that God is using you, mama, to lead the way.

With love and hope for a generation of Courageous Girls,


Words of Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Words of insight

God calls His children to be advocates for those who are being treated poorly and to value ourselves enough to stand up and be firm in our faith.

He is a JUST and mighty God, and while we are called to love well, love does not delight in evil. It protects, tells the truth and NEVER fails. This kind of love can look different in every situation. Listen to the Lord’s spirit and talk to someone trustworthy to help discern when love requires patience with others and when love stands firm to protect.

Parenting Tips

We live in a world that is confused; even Christians are confused. As courageous girls, we cannot control what others do. We can control how we respond to what others try to do.

Everyone is capable of being a mean girl or bully. Cyberbullying and sexting are probably two of the most common ways kids experience bullying in today’s middle schools. Recognize it fast and ask for help right away. We are valuable and special, and adults need to be involved in these cases.

We have choices. Sometimes it is easier to be a “bystander” and do nothing. We fool ourselves into believing that “it’s not my problem.” Sometimes a “Hero Complex” makes us want to rescue others or take blame for things that we did not do. We might say, “I am sorry,” too much or apologize for how our friend behaves. Sometimes we feel like a “victim,” powerless to change what is happening to her. God’s word tells us to be courageous. To stand firm in faith, have courage and be strong, and do it all in love.

Love and strength go hand-in-hand.


Join our Team!

Do you have great communication and organization skills and can commit to 5-8 hours a week?

Come work with founder and executive director, Terra Mattson and our CG leadership advisory board.

We are looking for a part time administrative assistant to support CG moms as they start their group and monitor email communication.

Email info@courageousgirls.com to learn more.


We have raised enough money to complete the CG APP! 🎉🎉🎉 

THANK YOU to our generous financial partners who believe deeply in this mission. 

We are looking for financial partners.

If Courageous Girls has impacted you and your daughter, consider giving a ONE TIME gift or being one of our monthly partners.

Donate today to help us start the official Courageous Girls podcast and design CG journals. 

🎧 Courageous Girls podcast — where founder, content creator, licensed marriage and family counselor and author, Terra Mattson and guests will share what moms and girls are needing most today.

$750/month or $9,000 per year

📖 CG journals — for Courageous Girls to use each year. Designed by the woman who created the She Reads Truth Bibles, these customized journals will be a special keepsake for you and your daughter.

$7,000 - 9,000 for project, printing, etc...


Another way to fund CG is to through our merch Store!

Visit the CG Shop.

Monthly Challenge

  1. (For Mom & Daughters): Practice standing up at least one time to someone who may be speaking unkindly about a friend or teacher.

  2. Identify any ways you have been a mean girl and make those right.

    ✦ RECOGNIZE - Identify your mistake and who you have hurt.

    ✦ Be RESPONSIBLE - Do not deny or make excuses for your behavior or words. Own it. Take responsibility for yourself. You have the power to stop the cycle and you can own your part even if others have not owned their part.

    ✦ RECTIFY - Listen to the impact you had on your friend(s) and her feelings. Tell her what you will do differently the next time and then follow through. Make it right. That is how trust is built.

  3. Finally, pray for those bullies and mean girls in your life. God wants to get ahold of their hearts too. Most of the time, bullies and mean girls are those kids who have hurting hearts and possibly no one to support them at home. They need our prayers, even if it means you will keep your distance for safety.

Our Favorite Resources

CG Blog

“The Real Digital Dilemma: Our Children Need Us to Lead”

Written by Terra A. Mattson, M.A. LMFT, LPC, co-founder of Courageous Girls

…Social media exacerbates vulnerabilities and preys on individual weaknesses, but it doesn’t necessarily create the brokenness. Brokenness happens when a core need is not met…

>>> Read more

Have you or your CG group read Courageous? This book is for you!

Terra Mattson’s book, Courageous; Being Daughters Rooted in Grace, takes women through a process of growing in grace and identity so that moms are better equipped to raise confident and healthy daughters who know God and are able to trust His ways throughout life's messy journey.

>>> Buy Here

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