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Raising Confident Kids vs. Kids Who Need to Perform

Today Terra joins Steph Thurling on the Christian Parenting Podcast to talk about performance based parenting…what is performance based parenting and how do we know if we are doing it? The truth is being human is messy and it doesn’t always look perfect so sometimes we try to become perfect and performance based---but the message of the gospel is the opposite of that. So how do we raise our kids with this in mind?

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A Conversation About Food, Image, Eating and Control

In this episode, Jonathan & Linsey Driskill interview mom to two teen girls and licensed marriage and family counselor, Terra Mattson. Terra shares her personal story of living with and overcoming an eating disorder and shares the simple power of good communicating and modeling when it comes to parenting around issues of body image, eating, nutrition and all things food.

The Journey with Jonathan Pitts is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit

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